Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Test 1_ Network Defense

Test 1_ Network Defense

Q 1.The model is derived from old Western genre movies where the “good guys” always wore white hats and the “bad guys” always wore black hats. 2. hackers have limited computer and programming skills, and rely on toolkits to conduct their attacks. 3. uses influence and persuasion to deceive people by convincing them that the social engineer is someone he isn’t, or by manipulation. 4.With , a user is tricked into giving private information about his or her account with a known large organization. 5. is an Internet tool that aids in retrieving domain name–specific information from the NSI Registrar database.

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1.White Hat/Black Hat 2.Novice 3.Social engineering 4.phishing 5.WHOIS